Glenda Jackson MP
In conversation with Glenda Jackson MP for Hampstead and Highgate. by Tony Randall The Labour MP who left school at 16. Worked as a shop girl in boots, Joined the Royal Shakespeare Company and won two Oscars for " Women in love " and " A touch of class " talks openly to Tony Randall TR: What was your reason for giving up a successful career as an actress to become a full time MP? GJ: Well anything i could do legally to rid the country of Margaret Thatcher and her Government , I was prepared to do. TR: You was elected as MP for Hampstead and Highgate in 1992. What would you say to date is your proudest achievements? GJ : All MPs need the dedicated, unpaid, pavement pounding work of their constituency party members and supporters, both during and between General Elections, so my election, indeed, elections, have much to do with team-work. But in 5 successive elections, the electorate in my constituency saw fit to place their trust in...