Vanessa Gold

Tony Randall speaks to the MD of Ann Summers

In the second part of the interview Vanessa talks about why as a family they try and give back something to society. The special connection the Gold family have with " The Children's Trust " What made her take up horse riding plus why would Vanessa rather pull her finger nails out with tweezers? And the late Margaret Thatcher would have been a perfect party guest.

TR :  It does seem a family trait to try and help others out and succeed in business and life in general ?

VG :  A few years ago i was asked to do some mentoring and it was something i really enjoyed doing and giving advice to people who wanted to start their own business. And your right i think it is a trait within our family, both DG and myself will every few months give a talk to young entrepreneurs which is part of the Peter Jones academy. I'm also an ambassador for " mumpreneur " a group set up for women who have gone on maternity leave and then go on to set up their own small business. Jacqueline runs WOW (Women On Wednesday) which helps promote business women. Each of us do try and give something back and its a great feeling.

TR :  As a family you have a very special connection with The Children's Trust.

VG :  Absolutely, My nephew, Jacqueline's son received fantastic support and palliative care there.
Jacqueline is also Vice-President of the trust.

TR :  What made you want to take up horse riding?

VG :  I know and at my age how ridiculous. I was asked a question a while ago " What do you do for yourself ? " And I was really stumped for an answer which is unusual for me as I'd normally have an answer for everything. I'm married to the love of my life, have two wonderful dogs that i adore. My work is all consuming and I love every minute of it but i needed some relaxation time. As it happened one day I was watching this woman come past my house on a horse and thought maybe ill give that a go. I took myself off to a local riding school and started to learn horse riding. After the first lesson I said to myself i can do this, I absolutely love it and for an hour once a week i can shut the rest of the world off and have Vanessa time. I'm never going to be at the Olympics, its just fun and I've not fallen off yet fingers crossed.

TR :  I look forward to your tweets on a Sunday during the F1 season as it's fair to say the sport bores you somewhat ?

VG :  Vanessa laughs, oh my hubby loves F1, and its only in the last few years he has stated watching it. I don't mind the qualifying rounds but the race itself, well I'd rather pull my fingers nails our with tweezers than watch it. It's fair to say I'm an F1 widow at times.

TR :  There is the obvious football connection in the family but unlike F1 you love watching football and supporting West Ham.

VG :  I love the game, not just West Ham but football in general. The first weekend of this new season i had such a football feast watching as many games as i could, i didn't move from my sofa.

TR :  If you threw your own Ann Summers party round your house and you could have picked anybody you wanted to make it fun and interesting who would you choose ? Dead or Alive.

VG :  Well i will start off with the original girl power of Margaret Thatcher. Wheather you loved or hated her she definitely kicked some butt . She was a fantastic symbol for women, maybe not such a fun person but saying that an Ann Summers party would have brought her out of herself I'm sure.
No question id have Angelina Jolie, she's edgy, beautiful and has lots of children so she knows her way round the bedroom and what woman wouldn't love to hear stories about Brad Pitt ?
I'd have to have a comedienne to really liven the party up, and I'd choose the lovely Dawn French, i have seen a picture of her in the papers coming out of one of our stores, so i know she is a fan.
And finally i do love a bit of gossip and I'd love to hear about David Beckham. so i will pick Victoria, I'm not sure she'd give us any gossip, but maybe after a few glasses of wine.

With special thanks to Vanessa in taking time out to be interviewed and Alison Pyke for all your help in setting it up.
Having interviewed two of the Gold family members now it's clear to me despite all the success they have worked hard to achieve, and being right up there as the most powerful business people and inspirational ones in Britain. Suffered their own personal heartaches along the way, they still find time and in their nature to help and support others achieve their own goals in life. That's class.




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