
Showing posts from May, 2014


In conversation with Canon Jane Hedges by Tony Randall Canon Jane Hedges became Canon Steward at Westminster Abbey in January 2006 a role which involves overseeing the welcome of over one and a quarter million visitors each year to the Abbey. She is also Archdeacon of Westminster and has recently been appointed Sub-Dean.  One in four of us will at some point be affected by a mental health illness which means what ever faith or religion you are its likely you will come across a family member, friend or a work colleague who will experience this illness. But there is still unease and stigma that surrounds those who suffer from mental health in our society, so what about the church? are they welcoming and offer support and understanding or does that unease prevent them reaching out to those in need? Canon Jane speaks frankly about the churches role, whether spiritual care is more beneficial than medication and the role our MPs can play in the needs of those who s...

Vanessa Gold

Tony Randall speaks to the MD of Ann Summers My destination was head office of Ann Summers and an appointment with someone who has evolved from a feisty teenager and worked her way to the top in the business world helping create and transform the family business into a retail experience which is leading the way in a competitive market making women feel sexy about themselves and giving them what they want  "Orgasms ". In the first of a two part interview Vanessa Gold talks about life growing up as a teenager, the relationship with her family over the years plus working for the multi-million pound Ann Summers empire. TR :  Since leaving school and working your way up to MD of Ann Summers what have you discovered about yourself? VG :  I loved being at school and have very fond memories being there, and I remember being a very average pupil. At the time I was at school my parents had split up and I was a very feisty person indeed. The complete opposite to...

Vanessa Gold

Tony Randall speaks to the MD of Ann Summers In the second part of the interview Vanessa talks about why as a family they try and give back something to society. The special connection the Gold family have with " The Children's Trust " What made her take up horse riding plus why would Vanessa rather pull her finger nails out with tweezers? And the late Margaret Thatcher would have been a perfect party guest. TR :  It does seem a family trait to try and help others out and succeed in business and life in general ? VG :  A few years ago i was asked to do some mentoring and it was something i really enjoyed doing and giving advice to people who wanted to start their own business. And your right i think it is a trait within our family, both DG and myself will every few months give a talk to young entrepreneurs which is part of the Peter Jones academy. I'm also an ambassador for " mumpreneur " a group set up for women who have gone on maternity l...